dimanche 29 juillet 2007


La liste noire des R.V. après la mise à jour comprend 271 noms.

Les roumouz el vessad seront prochainement repartis en 3 catégories:

- la 1ère catégorie des R.V. de choc,
- la 2ème catégorie des seconds couteaux,
- et la 3ème catégorie des petites mains

1- Abba Ould Ahmed Tolba
2- Abdou Ould Maham
3- Abdallahi Ould Ahmed Damou
4- Abdallahi Ould El Mokhtar
5- Abdallahi Ould Minnih
6- Abdallahi Ould Mourad
7- Abdallahi Ould Noueygued
8- Abdallahi Ould Souleymane Ould Cheikh Sidiya
9- Abdallahi Salem Ould Ahmedouwah
10- Abdatt Ould Senni
11- Abdelkader Ould Mohamed Mahmoud
12- Abderrahmane Ould Hamza
13- Abderrahmane Ould Jiddou
14- Abderrahmane Ould Kwar
15- Abdi Ould El Waghef
16- Aboubekrine dit Bouki
17- Achour Ould Samba
18- Ahemdi Ould Hamadi
19- Ahmed Hamed Ould Hemdeitt
20- Ahmed Ould Deddahi
21- Ahmed Ould Lefqih
22- Ahmed Ould Khlil
23- Ahmed Ould Maaouiya Ould Taya
24- Ahmed Ould Salem dit Zeddah
25- Ahmed Ould Sidi Baba
26- Ahmed Ould Sidi Meyle
27- Ahmed Salem Ould Bouna Mokhtar
28- Ahmed Salem Ould Moychine
29- Ahmed Salem Ould Ndary
30- Ahmed Salem Ould Saleck
31- Ahmed Salem Ould Tebbakh
32- Ahmed Youra Ould Haye
33- Ahmedou Ould Ahmedou
34- Ahmedou Ould Mohamed El Kory
35- Aïcha Mint Ahmed Tolba
36- Aïnina Ould Eyih
37- Amadou Abou Bâ
38- Amar Ould Bouhoubeyni
39- Ammar Ould Mohamed Vall
40- Ane Mamadou Baba Ly
41- Bâ Alioune Ibra
42- Bâ Bocar Soulé
43- Bâ Houdou
44- Bâ Mohamed Lemine
45- Bâ Saydou Moussa
46- Bâ Siley
47- Baba Ould Ahmed Youra
48- Babbah Sidi Abdalla
49- Baby Housseinou
50- Bah Ould El Bou
51- Baham Ould Ejione
52- Bebbaha Ould Ahmed Youra
53- Bennahi Ould Ahmed Taleb
54- Bissmillahi Elih Ould Ahmed
55- Bouh Ould Marwani
56- Bouh Ould Tar
57- Boullaha Ould Mogueya
58- Boydiel Ould Houmeid
59- Camara Ali Gueladjo
60- Cheikh Ahmed Ould Khalifa
61- Cheikh Ahmed Ould Sid’Ahmed
62- Cheikh Ahmed Ould Zahav
63- Cheikh Baye Ould Mkhaïtrat
64- Cheikh El Avia Ould Mohamed Khouna
65- Cheikh Ould Baha
66- Cheikh Ould Chrouf
67- Cheikh Ould Dih
68- Cheikh Ould Sid’Ahmed
69- Cheikh Sadbouh Kamara alias Mbourou
70- Cheikh Sid’Ahmed Ould Baba
71- Cheikh Sidel Mokhtar Ould Cheikh Abdallahi
72- Cheikhna Ould Nenni
73- Cheyakh Ould Ely
74- Chriv Ould Abdallahi
75- Dah Ould Abdeljelil
76- Dah Ould Abdi
77- Daha Ould Didi
78- Deddahi Ould Abdallahi
79- Deddahi Ould Ahmed Tolba
80- Dendou Ould Tajeddine
81- Di Ould Diyah
82- Di Ould Zeine
83- Diallo Mamadou Batcha
84- Didi Ould Biya
85- Didi Ould Bounama
86- Dieng Boubou Farba
87- Diop Abdoul Hemett
88- Diyé Bâ
89- Djimé Diagana
90- Eby Ould Doussou
91- Eby Ould Khou
92- El Arbi Ould Sidi Aly
93- El Arby Ould Jiddeyn
94- El Hacen Ould Selma
95- El Hady Ould Seddigh
96- El Moudir Ould Bouna
97- Ely Ould El Haj
98- Ely Ould Mohamed Vall alias Elycom
99- Fall Nguissali
100- Fatimetou Mint Mohamed Saleck
101- Guemine Ould Cheiguer
102- Gueye Silly Soumaré
103- Hadrami Ould Abeidna
104- Hadrami Ould Berrou
105- Hadrami Ould Oubeid
106- Hamada Ould Derwich
107- Hamada Ould Didi
108- Hamady Ould Meimou
109- Hamoud Ould Abdi alias Vibreur
110- Hamoud Ould M’hamed alias Hamoud Grab
111- Hamoud Ould Ely
112- Hasni Ould Didi
113- Hassen Ould Mohamed
114- Hassen Ould Salem
115- Hassen Ould Sidi Brahim
116- Idoumou Ould El Bou
117- Idoumou Ould Mohamed Vall
118- Ismail Ould Iyahi
119- Isselmou Ould Sidelmoustaph
120- Jibril Ould Abdellahi
121- Jiddou Ould Mini
122- Kaba Ould Elewa
123- Kane Boubacar
124- Kane Moustapha
125- Khadijettou Mint Boubou
126- Khattar Ould Cheikh Ahmed
127- Khattry Ould Jiddou
128- Lalla Marieme Mint Moulaydriss
129- Lemrabott Sidi Mahmoud Ould Cheikh Ahmed
130- Lô Mamadou Boubou
131- Louleid Ould Weddad
132- Ly Ibrahima
133- M’Hamada Ould Meimou
134- Maaouiya Ould Taya
135- Maat Mint Ewnene
136- Mahfoudh Ould Brahim
137- Mahfoudh Ould Mohamed Ali
138- Marieme Mint Ahmed Aïcha
139- Massina Mohamed El Hady
140- Mejid Kamil
141- Mekhalle Ould Dellali
142- Melaïnine Ould Mokhtar Nech
143- Melaïnine Ould Tomy
144- Mohamed Abdallahi Ould Adde
145- Mohamed Abdallahi Ould Didi dit Dellahi
146- Mohamed Abdallahi Ould Mohamed Lemine
147- Mohamed Aberrahmane Ould Oumar
148- Mohamed Aly Ould Sidi Mohamed Ould Deyahi
149- Mohamed Cheikh Ould Sidi Mohamed
150- Mohamed El Hafedh Ould Enahwi
151- Mohamed El Hafedh Ould Heyba
152- Mohamed El Hafedh Ould Khlil
153- Mohamed El Hassen Ould Lebatt (senior)
154- Mohamed El Mokhtar Ould Iyahi
155- Mohamed El Mokhtar Ould Zamel
156- Mohamed Fadel Ould Dah
157- Mohamed Ghali Ould Cherif Ahmed alias Ould Barma
158- Mohamed Lemine Ould Dahi
159- Mohamed Lemine Ould Khattri
160- Mohamed Lemine Ould Khlil
161- Mohamed Lemine Ould Moulaye Zeine
162- Mohamed Lemine Ould Raghani
163- Mohamed Lemine Salem Ould Dah
164- Mohamed Mahmoud Ould Abdallahi Ould Boyé
165- Mohamed Mahmoud Ould Aghrabatt
166- Mohamed Mahmoud Ould Brahim Khlil
167- Mohamed Mahmoud Ould Dahi
168- Mohamed Mahmoud Ould Deh
169- Mohamed Mahmoud Ould Javar
170- Mohamed Mahmoud Ould Meimoune
171- Mohamed Ould Abba
172- Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz
173- Mohamed Ould Abdi Ould Vleyvel
174- Mohamed Ould Ahmed Bennane
175- Mohamed Ould Ahmed Ould Debbagh
176- Mohamed Ould Ahmed Ould Dié
177- Mohamed Ould Awa
178- Mohamed Ould Babetta
179- Mohamed Ould Bahiya
180- Mohamed Ould Bouammatou
181- Mohamed Ould Brahim Ould Siyid
182- Mohamed Ould Chriv Ould Abdallahi
183- Mohamed Ould Djahloul
184- Mohamed Ould Didi
185- Mohamed Ould Didi alias Wali Traab
186- Mohamed Ould El Kory
187- Mohamed Ould Ismail Ould Abeidna
188- Mohamed Ould Khabbaz
189- Mohamed Ould Khlil
190- Mohamed Ould Lekbeid dit Damess
191- Mohamed Ould Lekhal
192- Mohamed Ould Mahmoud
193- Mohamed Ould Mohamed Ali
194- Mohamed Ould Mohamedou
195- Mohamed Ould Nany
196- Mohamed Ould Noueygued
197- Mohamed Ould Rave’e
198- Mohamed Ould Rzeizim
199- Mohamed Ould Taya
200- Mohamed Ould Zeidane
201- Mohamed Saleck Ould Heyine
202- Mohamed Salem Ould Lekhal
203- Mohamed Salem Ould Merzoug
204- Mohamed Vall Ould Bellal
205- Mohamed Vall Ould Youssouf
206- Mohamed Yahya Ould Haye
207- Mohamed Yehdih Ould Mokhtar El Hassen
208- Mohamed Yeslem Ould El Vil
209- Mohamedou Ould Michel
210- Mohamedou Ould Mohamed Laghdhaf
211- Mokhtar Ould Haye
212- Moulaye Ould Boukhreiss
213- Mouloud Ould Sidi Abdalla
214- Mounnina Mint Abdallah
215- Moussa Diagana
216- Moussa Fall
217- Moustapha Ould Abdalla
218- Moustapha Ould Abeidarrahmane
219- Moustapha Ould Hamoud
220- Moustapha Ould Mouloud
221- Moustapha Ould Yahya
222- Naha Mint Mouknass
223- Naji Ould Bousseif
224- Ndiaga Dieng
225- Né Ould Abdel Malick
226- Nebgouha Mint Tlamid
227- Nejachi Ould Youba
228- Ngouda Ould Haddar
229- Rachid Ould Saleh
230- Saleck Ould Abdeljelil
231- Salka Mint Sid’Ahmed
232- Sejad Ould Abeidna
233- Seyidna Ali Ould Mohamed Khouna
234- Sghaïr Ould M’bareck
235- Sid’Ahmed Ould El Bou
236- Sid’Ahmed Ould Zeine
237- Sidamine Ould Ahmed Challa
238- Sidel Mokhtar Ould Nagi
239- Sidi Brahim Ould Hamdinou
240- Sidi Fall
241- Sidi Mohamed Ould Oumar
242- Sidi Mohamed Ould Mohamed Lemine alias docteur bouroutou
243- Sidi Mohamed Ould Moyne
244- Sidi Mohamed Ould Sidina
245- Sidi Mohamed Ould Vayda
246- Sidi Ould Boylil
247- Sidi Ould Didi
248- Sidi Ould Domane
249- Sidi Ould Khlifa
250- Sidi Ould Riha
251- Sidi Ould Yomma
252- Sidna Ould Ndah
253- Sidney Sokhna
254- Soumare Oumar
255- Sow Adama Samba
256- Sow Mohamed Deyna
257- Tandia Moustapha
258- Themine Ould Attih
259- Thiam Diombar
260- Thiam Samba
261- Wah Ould Louleid
262- Wane Saada Mamadou
263- Wellad Ould Haymdoun
264- Yahya Ould Atigh
265- Yahya Ould Sidi Javar
266- Yeslem Ould Ebnou Abdem
267- Zeidane Ould Hmeyda
268- Zeidane Ould Sidi Boubakar
269- Zeine Ould Zeidane
270- Zeinebou Mint Mohamed Ould Nahah
271- Zoueyni Ould Ahmel Hady

57 commentaires:

ʁᵎᵚᵒ a dit…
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ʁᵎᵚᵒ a dit…

salut tous

141- Mekhalle Ould Dellali

il n'a rien détourné , il a juste vendu les cavliers du changement à bas prix.
et si au passage tu me mettrai du hannena , ça cerait plus juste .

72- Cheikhna Ould Nenni

il n'a rien détourné , un journaliste (nkt info) laudateur moyennement payé.

ould marwani (smh)

juste à titre indicatif au cas où tu l'aura oublié ; ce gars est un as du népotisme. tu as oublié le bail scandaleux qu'il a conclu avec son cousin.
ajoutes à celà sa forte implication
dans le scandal pétrolier....

zein ould zeidane (à statuer)

blog rimo

Le Mauritanien a dit…

O. Nenni journaliste "moyennement payé" c'est à dire comme un journaliste de Horizons, c'est ça?
20 000 à 30 000 ouguiyas par mois alors!
Comment on peut expliquer qu'il roule en 4x4, mène une vie de nanti (avec au moins 1 millions d'UM par mois depuis plus de 10 ans) et possède des terrains et des villas!
On n'est pas des naîfs en Mauritanie.
Revois tes infos Rimo!

Pour O. Mekhallah, c'est un mouchard qui a accepter de donner des noms, de paraître en public à la TVM et d'être payer pour tout ça pour que perdure la République des voyous. C'est donc un R.V. de "la catégorie des petites mains", celles des minables et des plus néfastes parfois.

Au sujet de O. Maroini, il faut de plus amples informations que des ragots. Et puis qui n'a pas placé des parents ou des amis qd il avait l'occasion chez nous? Si on prend ce critère, on aura la liste de tous les cadres du pays depuis 1960!

Pour ZZ, des choses ont été dites plus haut et ce n'est pas tout d'après les informations qui parviennent au blog et à sa commission...
Il reste donc dans la liste pour le moment.

Anonyme a dit…

Je ne vois pas comment Sidi Mohamed Ould Boubacar ne figure pas dans cette liste. Lui qui a occupé tous les postes avec sa gestion catastrophique de la transition.

Anonyme a dit…

Pour être juste, il faut compléter cette liste par tous ceux qui se sont enrichis en détournant les biens publics. Il faut revoir chaque personne qui a occupé un poste de responsabilité depuis l'indépendance et jusqu'à ce jour: ministres, SG, directeurs, gouverneurs, hakems, maires, chefs de service, comptables, fournisseurs, militaires, députés,.... Et il y a du boulot si on veut être juste et sérieux.

Anonyme a dit…

On ne peut jamais être complet mais avouez que la liste actuelle comprend plus de 90% des RV.
C'est le prochain classement qui est tres attendu!!!


ʁᵎᵚᵒ a dit…

salut tous ,

je suis d'accord , mais partiellement

en fait j'ai juste une question

pourquoi tu ne mets pas ould hanenna et tout les gens qui ont participé au coup d'état.

pourtant à cause de ces gens il y a eu de l'instabilité , des morts , des dégats et plein de trucs.

blog rimo

Anonyme a dit…

Le mauritanien

J'attends avec impatience le classement par catégorie.Je ne t'apprends rien en te disant que les r.v reviennent de plus belle au pouvoir ces derniers jours "mouzarguine" par quelques intègres et vertueux cadres.


Saleh et ses amis sont des héros de la Mauritanie.Sans eux, nous serions probablement en train de croupir sous la dictature de taya.
La mauritanie devrait être reconnaissante à ses valeureux fils.

Anonyme a dit…

Les amis de Canal Historique sont vivement sollicités pour visiter ce blog et le commenter.Leur silence ne me rassure pas.Ont-ils oublié que le problème principal que rencontre notre pays est le détournement de nos deniers publics.

ʁᵎᵚᵒ a dit…

salut tous ,

ano ,
je voulais signaler que hanena n'est pas quelqu'un de civilisé.figure toi qu'il ignore complètement que pour diriger une république il faut obligatoirement passer par la voie des urnes.
à vrais dires moi ça ne m'étonerait pas qu'un taximan ait préféré de passer par les chars blindés sous une sono d'artillerie lourde.
au fait pourquoi les mauritaniens ne l'ont pas voté!!
je crois que tu as ta répose

blog rimo

Anonyme a dit…

reveillez vous!
ils continuent à brouter..

Anonyme a dit…

[url=http://www.adidasforum.com/not-mi-adidas-predator-x-hypebeasts-staff-blog-hypebeast/]Adidas Forum[/url]
Now here's a shoe-in for the list of the year's best gaming-related clothing : Adidas has brought back its ZX five hundred running shoe, and, since it originally is from the '80s, the gaming inspired design and coloring is an easy choice ... Right? The kicks would possibly not be the coolest part of the deal, either ; they come packaged with a combo bracelet/USB flashdrive containing ZX Runner, a software game based on ... The shoe itself.

GameCulture writes the game stars a personality named'DJ Zed' who, according to Adidas, has 5 minutes to'run, moon-walk, climb walls, avoid some dodgy-looking bullies, collect power-ups, and pull off insane rooftop-to-rooftop stunts' in order to get on-stage before his set starts. It appears to be fittingly retro -- see for yourself in the video we've included after the breakdance.

More info
Adidas Forum

Anonyme a dit…

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Anonyme a dit…

Hi, as you can see this is my first post here.
Hope to get any help from you if I will have any quesitons.
Thanks and good luck everyone! ;)

Anonyme a dit…

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Amazing sound...


Anonyme a dit…

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I purchased the [url=http://www.dealtoworld.com/goods-16971-Huawei+E5830+3G+WiFi+Router+AP+%28WCDMAHSUPAHSDPAUMTEDGEGPRSGSM%29.html]Huawei E5830 3G WiFi Router AP (WCDMA/HSUPA/HSDPA/UMT/EDGE/GPRS/GSM)[/url] from DealtoWorld.com, in the Networking department, under the control of my familiar's encouragement, and I suppose he gets points or commission from my pay for, since he's a DealtoWorld.com affiliate. The router AP is warmly portable, lightweight and convenient. So conditions I can weld to wifi anywhere with mp iPad! I no longer essential to go in quest of on a trip and not up to par seeking a wifi AP at cafes etc. Nor pay out so much of my shekels on caffeine overdose at Starbucks and other cafes. Into the bargain, the 3G Wifi Router AP supports graceful much all the bandwidths -- GPRS,GSM,WCDMA,HSUPA,HSDPA,UMT,EDGE. Lift a look at pictures I've uploaded of the Huawei 3G WiFi router that has made my fixation so much easier, and is promoting a healthier caffeine-free lifestyle. It proves that a geek lifestyle does not not bear to go keeping in keeping with coffee.

And to over recall I was considering paying extra to upgrade to the iPad that supports 3G! I'm so glad that that's not predetermined anymore with this 3G wifi router AP. I can righteous tie together to the internet wherever I am with the Huawei 3G Wifi Router, as extensive as there is signal. This is not a technology gadget per se, but it has certainly made my individual this point more effectual! Moreover, I'm masterly to lay my fortune that I would usually spend on Starbucks, McCafe, and other cafes with wifi! Which, at near the path, makes me wonder whether it's a ploy at near Steve Jobs, to organize launched the 3G iPad interpretation only much later, so that wifi cafes can enjoy loads of trade from iPad wifi version. But I digress.

The 3G WiFi router AP I bought from [url=http://www.dealtoworld.com]DealtoWorld.com[/url] would probably also be expert to let me download and play one's part around with my apps on my iTouch, supposing I haven't tried it yet. Shouldn't be a poser I should think. This $100+ may be the crush rolling in it I've used up since it enables me to entertain a species of WiFi core wherever I am. If I was more entrepreneurial, I can composed start charging other geeks at cafes without WiFi for offering access to them. I'm sure I can without doubt earn privately the $100 this way! Alternatively, peradventure I can start being an affiliate of DealtoWorld.com too, since I'm starting to buy more gadgets and tools there, and acquire been spreading word up to my household and friends. Into the bargain, Christmas is coming in less than 2 months' patch, and I think this Huawei 3G WiFi router would take in a gorgeous cumshaw for innumerable of my tech geek friends. I'm satisfied they'll also rise how trim and chill the router looks!

Anonyme a dit…

I've on all occasions liked things like sand clocks, lava lamps, and the like to kind of just dish out in days of yore staring at it as a configuration of catharsis. In a opportunity, it helps me with meditation, to mitigate lay stress and decent fantasize fro nothing. That's why since I was a kid, in preference to of dolls and cars I've in any case sedate more of such pieces like sand clocks, lava lamps, dulcet boxes etc. So I was most pleased when I base the[url=http://www.dealtoworld.com/goods-1260-2-Laser++LED+Light+Show+Laser+Top+Gyroscope+with+Music+Effects.html] 2-Laser + LED Inconsiderable Appear Laser Ace Gyroscope with Music Effects[/url] from DealtoWorld.com protection the Toys section. It's like a tuneful thump, a spinning better, and a moonlight verify all rolled into one. Which is prodigious diversion! The gyroscope pleasure outing object of round a minute. The laser explanation pretension with accompanying music makes this gyroscope a pretty corresponding exactly tiny that my friends be subjected to also been most amused with.

My dogs are also beautiful intrusive nearly the laser gyroscope I got from DealtoWorld.com. They unceasingly occupy oneself with the gyroscope as it spins, although at principal they kept barking at the laser insight accompany, and also because it produces music. But after they got employed it, they've stopped barking but just watch over following the gyroscope whenever I start spinning it. Kids are also attractive amused by it. Sometimes it's meet to possess fun toys on all sides the ancestry so that you can go away the diminutive on while the kids are being amused or playing with it while you live get up foodstuffs or get changed. The gyroscope is unified such fool with with this purpose.

The gyroscope I bought from DealtoWorld.com has a dragon as a pattern on it, and produces a taper show with red, downcast, and unskilled colours. Pit oneself against a look at the pictures I've uploaded of the gyroscope with laser light show. The music produced from the gyroscope is not that enormous but allowable sufficiency to consider any chic roomer to the house. The gyroscope is red and jet-black, making it look exceedingly cool, and measure macho with that dragon imprint.

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Since Christmas is coming, this laser go down show gyroscope can maybe be a talented Christmas favour for the toddler or neutral the pet! Alternatively, the gyroscope can altogether be a polite reckoning to the usual Christmas decorations. I can take it as given placing it within a mile of the Christmas tree and peradventure spinning it when guests reach in the house. Looks like [url=http://www.dealtoworld.com]DealtoWorld.com[/url] is getting my subject yet again!

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